Scaling Display Ads for E-Commerce

E-Commerce, Online Advertising

Display advertising can be an incredibly effective tool. When done right, it can work to both drive brand awareness and brand affinity as well as product sales. When done wrong, you can leave a sour taste in someone’s mouth as to how he or she perceives your brand. Below are a few helpful tips to keep in mind to put together a winning display advertising strategy for E-Commerce success.

Reach the Right People…

The most important thing is to make sure you have a winning targeting strategy. In all campaigns with a sales-based objective, you should be including some kind of purchase-based targeting. Ask yourself what type of buyers are most important for your brand right now. New buyers? Retention of current buyers? Use these questions to determine what kind of purchase targeting is correct for your campaign. If your objective is to reach new buyers, for example, look to target competitor purchasers or purchasers within the category.

Only including purchaser targeting though can become be limiting. Once you have your baseline purchaser targeting audiences outlined, you can then look towards behavioral or contextual kinds of targeting to scale your advertising. This will help you reach a wider net of people who, based on their online activity, seem likely to purchase. Take a look at the demographics of your current buyers. Do they over-index in a certain household income tier? Are they family oriented? You can even use the answers to these questions to include other kinds of cross-category purchaser targeting. For example, if your buyer demo includes families with young children, what other kind of products is that family purchasing?

…In the Right Place…

Next thing to determine is where you want your potential buyer to be exposed to your display ads. You can look at this in two ways:

  1. First is where they are exposed online. Is this a type of person that tends to be on the go? Are they running a lot of errands? Maybe that’s the kind of person you should be reaching with more mobile ads. Since mobile ads tend to be smaller, you should consider creative that only features one pack shot and a larger call to action. Another example – is it important now more than ever to retain your current buyers? If so, consider leaning into onsite retailer advertising more than offsite.
  2. Second is where the person is when they are exposed. Especially when looking to drive E-Commerce sales, you’ll want to reach your potential buyer in the place they are most likely to do their online shopping. Is this at home in the middle of the day? Is this Sunday night right before they go to bed? With these questions answered, you’ll be able to reach not only the right shopper, but the right shopper at the moment with their strongest intent.

…With the Right Content

Lastly, now that you have determined the right person and the right place, you’ll want to make sure what they are seeing, what they are reading and where they are clicking through to is all relevant to them. Consider featuring different SKUs for different targeting groups. Does this buyer tend to purchase in bulk? There’s an opportunity to feature that multi-pack SKU. RapidAds can make this kind of individualized, dynamic creative a reality for you and your brand. Create any number of versions with alternate copy and featured SKUs with ease. Contact us to get a demo and see how!



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